Where is The Leak in My Bathroom Coming From?

If you have a leak in your bathroom it can be difficult to know where it is coming from. The shower is often the most obvious culprit but there are other sources. Water damage can be difficult to detect until it’s too late and if left long enough a leak in the bathroom can cause damage to nearby areas or go through to the ceiling to the room underneath in a multiple storey dwelling. Here are a few ways you can help determine whether or not your shower is to blame for that damp patch on the ceiling.

How to test for a leaking shower

There are a few steps you can take to check whether your shower is leaking.

  1. Place a shower plug in the bottom of your water so nothing can escape down the drain
  2. Fill up the shower pan with water obtained from somewhere other than the shower. You can use a bucket or a hose attached to a tap somewhere else in the house.
  3. Monitor the shower base and the area below and see if there is any sign of water leakage.

While you are checking your shower you can also check the seals on the shower screens by pointing the shower head or hose at the joins and looking for leaks.

If it’s not the shower what could it be?

There are a number of other possible sources of water leakage in the bathroom including the bath, the drains and the pipes or taps. If you are struggling to identify the source of a bathroom leak, our water detection service can help you. We can also help with sealing your bathroom tiles and shower to prevent further leaks in the future.

Water leaks in any area of your home should be quickly attended to in order to protect your investment. Constant damp doesn’t just encourage mould; it can cause damage to your home’s structure and even attract termites. And that can be a much more costly matter than arranging for a leak to be found and repaired!